Measure the level of noise and sound with dB Sound Meter !
Simple db Sound meter to measure environmental noisesMain features:• It measures environmental noise level• Gauge for indicate current dB sound level• Line chart for monitoring SPL changing• Can calibrate the decibel values for each devices• dB Sound meter has fast responseFor calibration your device you have to find noiseless place at home (average ambient noise level is 30 dB ) and set value for correction in the calibration menu.Turn your smartphone in the real sound level meter !NOTE: This sound level meter uses built-in microphone to measure ambient noise level, so the app is not as reliable as a professional noise meter, but it gives approximate values. The maximum values can be limited by the device (often limit is in a range 80 dB - 90 dB ). Very loud sounds may not be recognized.Some devices are equipped with AGC (Automatic Gain Control). This system causes additional sound pressure level measurement error.Levels of Noise In decibels (dB) :140 dB - gun shots, fireworks130 dB - jackhammers, percussion section at symphony120 dB - jet planes taking off110 dB - power saw, car horns100 dB - school dance, boom box90 dB - power tools80 dB - Alarm clocks70 dB - traffic, vacuums60 dB - normal conversation, dishwasher50 dB - moderate rainfall40 dB - quiet residential area30 dB - whisper20 dB - leaves rusting10 dB – breathing* change icon* fix noise meter title